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dimarts, 17 de març del 2009

Miratges.... / Mirage...

Fa una setmana, el meu cap em va dir que podia posposar el meu viatge de 6 mesos a Califòrnia fins després de setmana santa. Per mi va ser una gran notícia, ja que em deixava uns quants dies de vacances per passar amb les persones que em són especials.
Fins i tot havia començat a mirar alguns destins per marxar uns dies com a comiat.

Però avui... canvi de plans... resulta que ara s'estima més que marxi el dia 1 d'abril... Si al final és així, m'hauria estimat més no haver-me fet il·lusions.


One week ago, my boss told me that I could start my 6 months travel to California after Saint Week (that is that I would take my plain on april 15). For me was great news, as I could have some holidays to spend some time with people special to me. Even I started looking for a few-days travel as good-bye.

But today... chaos happens... and he told me that I would have to go California april the first... If in the end, it is this... I would have prefer not to make illusions to myself.

2 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

I'm so sorry your plans are not working out the way you wanted them to.

La llúdriga ha dit...

Usually they don't, not just for me, but everybody's, not? :)

So, I will try to enjoy, with holidays or without them, and with troubles or without them, the days that I will still be here with them, so I can put some good memories and smiles in my suitcase!