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dijous, 30 d’abril del 2009

Ja torno a ser aquí! / I'm back!

Avui una cançó que fa dies que no puc parar de cantar, és una mica rara (val, és molt friki) però és que no me la puc treure del cap!
Today a Song that I cannot stop singing these days, it is a bit strange (oks, actually it is very freak), but I cannot stop singing it!

Una setmana sense escriure! Ho sento! És que no tinc pas tan de temps...
Aquest dies quan no sóc treballant entreno sortint a còrrer, o bé jugo una mica a futbol amb una colla que es reuneix al parc. Ahir per exemple hi vaig anar, i avui ja no puc caminar perquè em van deixar un regalet al peu... Arribar a casa, dutxa, fer el sopar, fes el dinar, renta plats, escriu un parell de mails... i ja he de marxar a fer nones!

Ja quasi he acabat de llegir "la conjura de los necios", el vaig llegint a l'autobus de camí a la feina i de tornada.


One entire week without writing! Sorry... I don't have too much time these days..
When I am not working, I go out for running, or I play soccer with some guys that meet in the park. Yesterday I had soccer, and today I can not walk properly, because someone leave a gift on my foot... When I arrive home, take a shower, cooking dinner and lunch for next day, do the dishes, write some mails... and it is time to go sleep!

I've almost finished "A confederacy of dounces", I read it while in the bus going to or returning from work.


2 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

It's good to have you back. Don't stay away sooooo long however I understand how busy you are. Please be careful not to burn yourself out. Nice song too!

La llúdriga ha dit...

Do you really find the song nice! XD
It is quite... strange, right?

I will try not to focus too much on work, but those who know me, know that it won't take me too much an effort!